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The antenna requirements for good color television reception are more important than these forblack & white lelevia[on
reception For th}a reason, a good quality ouldoor antenna ts strongly recommended
The following is a brieI exptanatien of the type o! connections that are p_'owided with the various antenna systems
1 A 75-ohm system is generally a round cable with F-type connector that can easily
be attached to a te_'minalwithout lools (not eupp!ied)
2 A 300-ohm eyslern is a fiat "twin4ead" ceb}e that can be attached to a 75-ohm
tm-minaJ through a 300/75-ohm adapter {not supplied)
_-- F-type Connector
75-ohm coaxial cable 0*cued)
300-ohm twin-!earl cable (flat)
6_e= _" -'_ ,_, e_
' Use one of the fottowin_ lwo diagrams if you connecl an outdoor antenna
A: Using a VHF/UHF combination ot_t_oor antenna
B: Using separate VHF and/or UHF outdoor antennae
• Connect the outdoor antenna cable Jead-in to ANT (Antenna lerminal) on the rear of the main unit
A Combination VHFIUHF Antenna
ANT (Anlenna
B Sepai*ate VHF and!or
UHF Anlennas
8nlenna VHF
300- h _ anlenna
Cembin_ ; I
(e_Is_pp_ied)/ 300-ohm
==J twin-lead
_, -ob_ or
_ F-type connecIor
75-Dhm coaxialcane
F-type connector should be finger-tightened only,
When connecting the RF cable to the LCD TV set, do not tighten F-type
connector with tools
If tools are used, it may cause damage to your LCD TV set
(The breaking of internal circuit, etc )