Connecting E×ternai Devices
You can enjoy picture and sound by connecting a VCR ora home video game system to the terminals located on the rear of
the main unit
When connecting an external device, turn off the POWER of the main unit first to prevent any possible damage
Example of External Devices that can be Connected
TO tNPUT'_ tetmln_[
_mpo_en c_bte ¥
_ _ ave _l_yer et_j_|at 7v lui_et
_=d_ ! letmJnal, COMPONENT connection is
F ___ _ i recomme_de_ (you c,3r_view _igh-q_11_y
0,o o ,0o °l°°'
_t__. t _ _ _ _ me system Cam¢c_tdor VCR
, ......,,oo10
TO IHPUT3]OUTPU'f termlnaJ
A_ia_o _a_t_ Vicfeo Audio ampltfler VaN
Fat the cable, usa a comrnercLaHy available aadioivideo cable
• PC aonneolion ts not possibte
Far more intormation about external device connections, see the operation manuals e_'your external devices,
• Make sure that the corresponding cables are connected to each term}hal Connecting other cables may result in a mallunctien
SNPUT2 has two terminals, VIDEO and S-VIDEO terminals I! your external device has an S-VIDEO terminal, S-VIDEO connection is
recommended. S-VtOEO provides a finer, more detailed piclare 1_both term}nals are connecled. S-VIDEO terminal takes a pfiorfty
Only when 4801 or 480P s_gnal is received through the ]NPUT'L picture can be d_splayed
Outputting Video and Audio (Video Output) i
You can output video and audio signals Irom lhe LeD TV set through the INPUT3/OUTPUT terminate,
When using INPUT3/OUTPUT as an output tet'minal, select "SETUP" in the Menu and set "INPUT3 SELECT" to =OUT _ FAO" or
"OUT ¢._ FAO_
* When using _heS-VtDEO iaput for INPUT2 or COMPONENT input for INPUT1, no video signal will be made to the INPUT3iOUTPUT
terminal, but audio signal wil be made for connection 1o external audio syslerns