Consumer Electronics Products
Congratulations on your purchase!
Sharp Electronics of Canada Ltd (hareinaJtor called "Sharp _) gives the follow_ng express warranty lo the first consumer purchaser }or this
Sharp brand product, when shipped _n _ls origine_ cenlalner and sold or distribuled In Canada by Sharp or by an Authorized Sharp Deatar;
Sharp warranls that lhio producl is free, under normal usa and main(seance, from any defects in malerfal and workmanship It any such
de}eels should be found in lhts product wilhin the applicable warranty pedod. Sharp shall, at ils option. _epalr or replace the prodocf as
specified herein
This warranly shall noI apply to:
(a) Any defecto caused or repairs required as a result of abusive operation, negligence, accident improper Installation or _nappropriale
use as ca!lined in the owner's manuat
(b) Any Sharp product tampered wilh, modtlted adiusled or t'epalred by any party olher than Sharp_ Sharp'a Authorized Service Cenlree
or Sharp's Authorized Servicing Doalors
(c) Damage caused or repairs required as a res:_lt of the use wilh Hems not speeit_ad or approved by Sharp. _nctuding bal not limlfed Io
head cleaning tapes and chemical cleaning agenls
(d) Any replacement di accessories, glassware, consumable or peripheral items _eqo_red through normat use of the product including bur
not limited to earphones, remote controls AC adaplers batteries tempe_alura probe, stytus, Irays fillers, bet_e ribbons_ sabres and
(e) Any cosmelie damage to the surface or extedor g_at has been defaced or caused by normat wear and lear.
(f) Any damage caused by external or environmental eondilIons including but not ]imiled _a transmission lind/power line vollage or liquid
(g) Any product received wilhaat appropriate model, aerial number and CS/VcUL markings
(h) Any products used for rental or commercial purposes
(J) Any _nslaIlalion, setup and/or p_ogramming charges
Should this Sharp product fail to operate during the warranty pedod, warranty service may be obtained upon _Jelivec/at the Sharp product
Iogelher wHh preot o} purchase and a copy at Ihis UMITED WARRANTY slalement to an Aulhorfzed Sharp SerVice Cenfro or an
Aulborized Sharp Sonficing Dealer in home warranty service may be provided at Sharp's discretion on any Sharp lelev_sion wilh the
screen slze of 2T or larger and on any Sharp Over-the-Range Microwave Oven
This warranty sonstilules the enlire express wantonly granled by Sharp and no other dealer, service centro or lhetr aganl or employee is
authorized to exlend+ enlarge or Irene}or this warranty on behalf of Sharp To the exlen{ Iho law permits, Sharp disclaims any and eli
liability far direct or indirect damages or fossee or for any incidental special or consequontial damages or loss of prattle teaseling from a
do;tact in maledaI or workmanship relating to Ibe p_oducL including damages }or the toss o} lime or use of th_s Sharp product or Ibe loss
of tn}ormaflon The purchaser witl be responsible for any romovaJ, re_slallalion, transpodafien and Insurance costs incurred. Cerreclion at
delecls, in the manner and period of time described herein, constitute samplers tu_fitlmen_ at eli ab_gations and respensibililies of Sharp
lo lhe purchaser wilh respect to lhe product and shall cons_ilute full satisfaction ef all claims, whether based or_ con_racl, negligence, slrlct
liability or otherwise
Parts & Labour (exceptions noted)
Audto Produals 1 year
Camcorder 1 year
DVD Products _ year
Projector f year (}amp 90 days)
LGO & Plasma Display TV 1 year
Microwave Oven 1 year (magnetron component÷4 addillona$ years}
Television Prodacls t year (picture Iube component-1 addHtenal year)
VCR Products t year
Vacuum Cleaner t year
To obtain th_ _lam_ and address of the near_st Aulhodz¢_J Sha_ Scrvlc_ Cc'=llraor D_al==" please ¢o_lacr:
SHARP ELECTRONICS OF CANADA LTD 335 itri_,_nnia Road East Mis_iss_l'_l_a. Onlado L4Z ]W9
Formore informationon thisWarranty,SharpExtendedWarranty
Offers, Sharp Canada Products, Accessory Sales, Dealer or Service SHARP
Locations, please calt (905) 568-7140 ., ,_
Visit our Web site: www_sharp_ca "_,_ S_RV}C_TC
Revision 04/22/03