
7–12 Configuring for Windows NT
Installing Windows NT
After setup finishes copying files a screen will be displayed that says:" This portion
of setup has completed successfully. Press enter to restart your computer." Press
The system will reboot and begin to boot the graphical portion of Windows NT
Setup. If you formatted the partition to NTFS, then the system will run check disk on
the partition and convert the file system then reboot the system.
The system will boot into the graphical portion of Windows NT Setup. Setup will
begin by copying files. Then a screen will be displayed that says "Windows NT
Setup. 1) Gathering information about your system". Click on the NEXT button.
The Setup Options screen will be displayed next. Select the type of installation you
wish to do. Typical is recommended. Click on the NEXT button.
The next screen displayed will prompt you to "Enter the name and organization."
Enter these into the fields specified and click the NEXT button.
The CD key screen is the next screen displayed. It will prompt you to "Enter the CD
Key." That can be found on the jewel case or cardboard sleeve that your Windows
NT CD-ROM came in. Enter the number into the field and click the NEXT button.
The next screen prompts you to "Enter the computer name." This is the name it will
use on the network. It must be a unique name that no other machine on the network
has. Enter the name and click the NEXT button.
The administrator account screen prompts you to "Enter the administrator pass-
word." Enter it into the field provided then type it in the other field to confirm it.
Click on the NEXT button.
The next screen asks "Do you want to create an emergency repair disk." Select yes or
no and then click on the NEXT button.
The Windows NT Components screen is the next displayed. It asks "Would you like
to install the most common components or would you like to select which compo-
nents get installed." Make your selection and click on the NEXT button. If you chose
to select the components a list will be displayed. Select the components you wish to
install and click on the NEXT Button.
The next screen will say "Windows NT Setup. 2) Installing Windows NT Network-
ing". Click on the NEXT button.
The next screen will prompt you with: " Windows NT needs to know how this com-
puter will participate on the network." Select This computer will participate on a
network and select wired to a network. Click the NEXT Button.