
7–2 Configuring for Windows NT
Figure 7–1 Main Bios Screen
The upper left hand corner of the screen displays the revision of the ARCSBIOS and
the system serial number. The upper right hand corner of the screen displays the
speed that the AlphaPC 164UX is running. The first number is the clock speed of the
system bus. The second number is the clock speed of the 21164 microprocessor. The
remaining section of the bios screen are discussed below.
a. Boot Options. The boot options section is the only interactive part of the main
bios screen. It allows you to select which NT installation you would like to boot or
it allows you to enter setup.
b. Processor Information. The next line displays information about the microproces-
sor. It also displays the sizes of the primary, secondary, and external caches. The
primary and secondary caches are built into the Alpha 21164 microprocessor. The
external cache is built onto the AlphaPC 164UX motherboard.
ARCSBios 1.3.060/SN 3010000,510026
(C) Copyright 1993-1998 Deskstation Technology
Boot Options
Windows NT Workstation 4.0
Enter Setup
CPU REV Primary Secondary External Total Free
21164A 5 8/8 KB 96KB 4096KB 131072KB 130008KB
Cache Cache Cache Memory Memory
ECC Mem : Yes
Bank1 64/64
Bank 2 0/0
Bank 3 0/0
Mouse : PS/2(0)
Parallel Port IRQ
LPT2(0) 0378 7
Serial Port IRQ
COM 1(0) 03F8 4
COM 2(0) 02F8 3
Adaptor ID Type Model Size
FDC0 A: Floppy 3 1/2" 1.44MB
SCSI0 6 DISK SAMSUNG WNR-32501S 020 2.41GB
SCSI0 7 HA Symbios 53C8XX SCSI Adapter
SCSI1 0 CDROM SAMSUNG SCR-2430 MS102 1.0 520MB
SCSI1 255 HA ATAPI IDE Controller