7–8 Configuring for Windows NT
Installing Windows NT
1.Insert the Windows NT4.0 install Floppy for the AlphaPC 164UX diskette into
drive A:
2.From the main ARCSBIOS screen select Enter Setup.
3.select Run a Program from the setup menu and press Enter.
4.Type in: A:\miniport.exe and press Enter.
5.Maintain Flash Device will start.In the Menu shown select Add SCSI Miniport to
Flash and press Enter
6.Remove the Windows NT4.0 install Floppy for the AlphaPC 164UX diskette from
drive A:
7.Insert the disk labeled manufacturer supplied hardware support disk into drive A:
8.Type SCSI Driver File Name for SCSI card.
ex)Type A:\xxxx.sys and press Enter
9.The next screen displayed will say what woule you like to call the Flash file?-->
press ENTER to accept : [xxxx.sys]
If you want to accept, press Enter
Please enter a description of the FLASH file-->
Type description and press Enter
ex) Adaptec
10.In Maintain Flash Device Menu select save changes to Flash and Exit and
11.If upgrade Firmware completed,press Enter
12.Restart your computer
13.From the main ARCSBIOS sereen select Enter Setup
14.In Advanced setup->Set NVRAM options->SCSI miniport order press Enter
15.In SCSI Miniport Detection Order Menu select Adaptec(description)
16.Change Disable to 0 with <-- key and --> key.
17.press ESC Twice
18.In Save Configuration Menu displayed will say Save changes to Non-Volatile
19.Press Y and Enter.
20.if you restart your computer,your SCSI Device will be detected.
21.If you want to delete SCSI Device file,In Maintain Flash device Menu select
Delete SCSI Miniport from Flash
7.4.3 Windows NT Setup
Windows NT setup, located on the Microsoft Windows NT CD, installs the Windows
NT operating system. Windows NT setup provides a brief description of the avail-
able key functions at the bottom of the screen.