Monitoring and Configuring the Printer
Use the "info" command to display
printer information such as paper
tray, output tray, and printer lan-
❖ Printer information display
msh> info
For details about displayed con-
tents, see p.112 “Getting Printer In-
formation over the Network”.
Use the “ipp” command to configure
IPP settings.
❖ Viewing settings
The following command displays
the current IPP settings:
msh> ipp
Example output:
timeout = 900(sec)
auth = basic
• The “timeout” setting specifies
how many seconds the compu-
ter tries to send print jobs when
no connection can be made to
the network printer.
• The “auth” setting indicates the
user authorization mode.
❖ IPP timeout configuration
Specify how many seconds the
computer waits before canceling
an interrupted print job. The time
can be entered between 30 to 65535
msh> ipp timeout {30 -
❖ IPP user authorization configuration
Use IPP user authorization to re-
strict users to print with IPP. The
default is “off”.
msh> ipp auth {basic|di-
• User authorization settings are
“basic” and “digest”.
• Use “off” to remove a user's au-
• If user authorization is speci-
fied, register a user name. You
can register up to 10 users.
❖ IPP user configuration
Use the following command:
msh> ipp user
The following message appears:
msh> Input user number (1
to 10):
Enter the number, user name, and
msh> IPP user name:user1
msh> IPP password:*******
After configuring the settings, the
following message appears:
User configuration changed.
Use the “netware” command to con-
figure the NetWare settings such as
the print server name or file server
❖ Netware Printer Server Names
msh> netware pname
• Enter the NetWare print server
name using up to 47 characters.
❖ Netware File Server Names
msh> netware fname
• Enter the NetWare file server
name using up to 47 characters.