Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
IP address
Use this command to configure SLP settings.
You can search the NetWare server using SLP in the PureIP environment of NetWare 5. Using the slp
command, you can configure the value of TTL which can be used by SLP multi-cast-packet.
❒ The default value of TTL is "1". A search is executed only within a local segment. If the router does
not support multi-cast, the settings are not available even if the TTL value is increased.
❒ The acceptable TTL value is 1 - 255.
msh> slp ttl {1 -255}
route delete {host | net} destina-
Deletes a host/network route from the table. Host becomes the default setting.
route get {destination} Displays only route information corresponding to a specified destination. When
the destination is unspecified, all routing information is displayed.
route active {host | net} destina-
You can turn the specified destination on or off. Host becomes the default set-
route add default gateway
You can set the default gateway address.
route flush Deletes all routing information.
Parameter Topics of setting