
Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
Direct Printing Port
The direct printing port allows printing directly from a computer, connected to the network, to the printer.
Use the diprint command to change the direct printing port settings.
View settings
The following command displays the current direct printing port settings.
msh> diprint
Example output:
port 9100
bidirect off
The Port specifies the port number of the direct printing port.
The bidirect setting indicates whether the direct printing port is bidirectional.
Setting timeout
You can specify the timeout interval to use when receiving data from the network.
msh> diprint [0~65535]
The factory default is 300 seconds.
If 0 is set, timeout is disabled.
Bidirectional configuration for the direct printing port
Use this setting to configure whether the direct printing port is bidirectional.
The factory default is off.
msh> diprint bidirect {on|off}