Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
B Click the [IEEE 1394], and then type the name into the [Device Name:] box when you change
the device name for IEEE 1394 (IP over 1394) interface.
• In the [Device Name:] box, type the name of the printer within 13 characters. The factory de-
fault name consists of "RNP" and the last 5 bytes of the EUI-64 on the IEEE 1394 (IP over
1394) interface. For example, when the EUI-64 is 00:00:74:00:02:01:0A:66, the factory de-
fault name is "RNP0002010A66". No name of 13 characters is permitted if the prefix is
A Click [NetBEUI].
B Type the name into the [Computer Name] box and comment into the [Comment] box.
• In the [Computer Name] box, type the name that helps you to identify printers using the Net-
BEUI protocol. The factory default name consists of "RNP" and the last 3 bytes of the MAC
address on the Network Interface Board. For example, when the MAC address is
00:00:74:62:7D:D5, the factory default name is "RNP627DD5". A maximum of 13 charac-
ters consisting of uppercase English letters, numeric, or symbols (except "*+,/:;<=>?[\]|. and
space) can be used. No name is permitted if the prefix is "RNP". You must avoid the dupli-
cation of the same name on a network.
Click [Apply].
The setting is transmitted to the printer.
Exit the Web browser.