
Send Scan (E-mail, Send File (SMB/FTP) or Delivery Server) operation error messages
Message Possible Cause and Required Action
Updating the destination list...
Please wait.
When On is selected for [Auto Update
Destination List] in [2.Send Scan Settings] on
this machine, pressing [Dest.] accesses the
sender and destination information from
the delivery server, and updates the ad-
dress book. This function allows you access
the latest destination information. Depend-
ing on the number of destinations and
senders registered, and the network condi-
tions, you may have to wait a moment
while the address book is being updated.
Updating destination list failed. Do you want to try again?
[Yes] [No]
Address book (list of destinations and send-
ers) information could not be accessed on the
delivery server. Click [Yes] and try again. If the
same message appears, one of the following
may have occurred.
The delivery server is not turned on, or it is
not being serviced.
The delivery server is temporarily down
for reasons such as insufficient memory.
Cannot communicate with the
server. Check the server status
and connection.
If you specified to perform a Scan to Folder
(SMB) operation, check if the power of the
computer on which the Windows shared
folder exists is turned on.
If you specified to perform a Send Scan op-
eration using a delivery server, check if the
delivery server is turned on.
If you specified to perform a [
Enter Custom
Send File] operation using the Web Status
Monitor, click [Back] on the Web browser,
enter [Login Password], and then click [Test].
If the message Connection to the File Send
Path has failed. Confirm the settings. is
displayed, [File Send Path] is not specified
Sending data has failed. Scan
with the same settings and re-
The machine failed to send scanned data
due to a network connection problem. Af-
ter confirming that the network cable is
properly connected, try performing anoth-
er Send Scan operation using the same set-
tings.If the same message appears, there
may be network congestion. Consult your
network administrator.