
Sending Scan File by E-mail
E-mail Content
If you specify a sender of an e-mail
using the [Sender] list on this ma-
chine, the user you have specified
becomes the sender.
It is necessary to set [Register as
Sender] to On to have a regis-
tered user displayed on this ma-
chines [Sender] list. The setup
item [Register as Sender] is in-
cluded under [Configuration]
[E-mail SettingsE-mail Address]
[E-mail Address] on the Web Sta-
tus Monitor.
If you do not specify a sender of an
e-mail when [Sender's Name Default]
is set to Administrator's Address
, the registered administrators
address becomes the sender.
The setup item [Sender's Name De-
fault] is included under [Configura-
tion] [E-mail Settings] on the Web
Status Monitor.
It is essential to specify a sender
of an e-mail, when [Sender's
Name Default] is set to No .
You can select a subject of an E-mail
from the [Subject] list displayed on
this machine.
No subject appears on your E-mail
message when you do not specify a
subject. (Depending on the E-mail
client software on the side of the
receiver, such string like No sub-
ject appears as the subject.)
File name and file type of an e-mail
A scanned image file to be sent as an
E-mail attachment is automatically
named as SDOC0001.xxx (xxx is
a file extension). The four-digit
number in the file name is count up
sequentially, when you perform scan-
ning of multiple pages, with the [File
Type] setting is set to Single Page .
Scanned image files are sent in the
file format that you specified in
[File Type] under [Scan Settings]. See
p.73 File Type.
Related information
The following information is auto-
matically generated and used as body
text of your E-mail message.
You cannot change the auto-gener-
ated body text.
First line
The following sentence is inserted
to the first line of an e-mail body.
This E-mail was sent from <de-
vice name> (model name).
For <device name>, the name
that is specified for the ma-
chines device name is used.
(You can specify the device
name using [Configuration]
[Basic Settings] [General Set-
tings] [Device Name].)
For model name, the product
ID of this machine is automati-
cally inserted.