Table 10. InfoPrint Manager attribute assignments when using the pdxtdownload
program (continued)
Node ID -ono node-id-text
OFFSETXB -ooffxb x-image-shift-back
OFFSETXF -ooffxf x-image-shift
OFFSETYB -ooffyb y-image-shift-back
OFFSETYF -ooffyf y-image-shift
OUTBIN -ooutbin Not applicable
OVERLAYB -oovlyb Not applicable
OVERLAYF -oovlyf Not applicable
PAGEDEF -opagedef Not applicable
PRMODE -oprmode shift-out-shift-in
Programmer -opr programmer-text
PRTQUEUE -oprtqueue destination-name-requested
other attributes
RESFMT -ore Not applicable
ROOM -oro room-text
SEGMENT -opa segmentid destination-pass-through=-opa=segmentid
Source File -ofileformat Not applicable
TITLE -oti title-text
TRC -otrc Not applicable
UCS -ochars Not applicable
User ID -ous user-id-text
1. These apply to AFP (MO:DCA-P) data sets. They do not apply to Xerox jobs.
2. This applies when you use the -m none download directive. See “Using
download directives” on page 74.
3. This applies when you use the -q ldest download directive.
4. This applies when you use the -q ldest or -q attr download directives.
For jobs with more than one data set, pdxtdownload uses only the options from
the last data set for the job. It ignores options for all preceding data sets.
Creating an attribute mapping file
InfoPrint XT can automatically assign InfoPrint Manager attributes to a job based
on criteria that you specify. You specify the criteria in an attribute mapping file.
The default attribute mapping file is pdxtdownload.map. It is in the
%PDXTWORKDIR% directory. You can specify a different file with the -a
download directive; see page 74.
The attribute mapping file contains attribute groups. An attribute group consists of
one or more expressions and one or more attribute-and-value pairs. The
expressions are in the form keyword=value. They specify the criteria to match. When
Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS 71