Chapter 6. Transferring jobs with Download for z/OS
This chapter describes how to set up and use Download for z/OS to submit Xerox
jobs for processing by InfoPrint XT for Windows (InfoPrint XT).
Download for z/OS is a communications mechanism that sends jobs to InfoPrint
Manager for Windows (InfoPrint Manager). It is a separately orderable feature of
IBM Print Services Facility (PSF) for z/OS. When you use Download for z/OS to
send jobs for processing by InfoPrint XT, you use these major components:
1. The first component is Download for z/OS. It operates as an output writer, or
functional subsystem application, of the job entry subsystem (JES). The output
writer sends the output data sets to remote systems on the TCP/IP network.
2. The second component is part of InfoPrint Manager. MVS Download receivers
receive data sets from the output writer on z/OS. You create MVS Download
receivers through the InfoPrint Manager Management Console.
3. The third component is a download program that the InfoPrint Manager MVS
Download receiver calls. This program is typically specific to the data stream in
v InfoPrint Manager provides two sample exit routines for use with
MO:DCA-P data without inline resources, line data, and mixed mode data
sets. One of the exit routines is written in Microsoft Visual Basic, and the
other is written in Microsoft Visual C++. The associated file names begin
with mvsdsubm.
v InfoPrint XT provides a program that receives Xerox Line Conditioned Data
Stream (LCDS) and metacode jobs. The program name is pdxtdownload.
For more information about the output writer on z/OS, see Print Services Facility
for z/OS: Download for z/OS, S544-5624. For more information about MVS Download
receivers and the mvsdsubm exit-routine files, see the InfoPrint Manager
documentation. “Bibliography” on page 171 lists InfoPrint Manager publications.
1. You cannot use the download support that InfoPrint XT provides in
installations that do not have InfoPrint Manager installed.
2. For information about using download functions, see the pdxt_download man
page that InfoPrint XT provides. Enter this command:
pdxtman pdxt_download
What the InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program does
The InfoPrint XT pdxtdownload program receives Xerox LCDS and metacode jobs.
It then submits them to InfoPrint Manager using the pdpr command. During job
processing, pdxtdownload merges data sets for jobs that contain more than one
data set and translates z/OS job information to InfoPrint Manager attributes.
1. You do not have to use pdxtdownload to receive Xerox LCDS and metacode
jobs. You can write your own program, or you can modify the InfoPrint
Manager mvsdsubm exit routines.
2. The pdxtdownload program does not automatically set the document-format,
other-transform-options, and resource-context attributes. You must define these
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