table that is in the C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\reslib directory.
If you loaded the Xerox resources in the common resource group, the copy
command is similar to this:
copy C:\Program Files\IBM\Infoprint Manager\reslib\X0423002 %PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common
Note: You can also use Windows Explorer to copy the file.
2. If you made modifications for the common resources (located in
%PDXTWORKDIR%\resources\common), process the manual correlation
table by entering the pdxtloadres command without any options:
If you are working with a resource group or a separate directory, use the -g or
the -o option with the pdxtloadres command. For example:
pdxtloadres -g statements
InfoPrint XT displays information that is similar to this:
5016-600 Resource load process started for type "xxx".
5016-614 Resource correlation process started.
5016-615 Resource correlation process is complete.
5016-601 Resource load process is complete for type "xxx".
"xxx" is either fnt, img, or lgo.
Deblocking and reblocking CMDs, FSLs, ISLs, and JSLs
To see the contents of certain types of Xerox resource files, you must first change
their format from blocked to deblocked. After you have completed the tasks for the
deblocked resources, you reblock them. InfoPrint XT provides two commands,
pdxtdblkres and pdxtblkres, that you can use to deblock and block resources.
Using the pdxtdblkres command to deblock resources
+ — — — — — — — – — Programming Interface information — — — — — — – — — +
You use the pdxtdblkres command to deblock one or more Xerox resource files.
The syntax for the command is:
pdxtdblkres [-p yes | no ] [file ...]
[-p yes | no]
Specifies whether the pdxtdblkres command passes through data from the
deblocking process if the resource is already deblocked, or if the command
cannot deblock the data. Valid values are:
yes If the resource is already deblocked or it cannot be deblocked, the
command passes the resource data through as it is. This is the
no If the resource is already deblocked or it cannot be deblocked, the
command stops processing.
programs that issue the pdxtdblkres command can use these
universal values instead of the language-specific keywords:
v API:YES is the same as yes.
v API:NO is the same as no.
...] Specifies one or more Xerox resource files that you want the command to
deblock. When the pdxtdblkres command deblocks a resource file, it
Chapter 4. Loading Xerox resources 55