Specifying the Device Option
• ftp
ftp> put file1 duplex=on,binding=longedge
Specify the binding side for duplex printing.
❒ This function is available on Type 3 machines only. Check your machine type.
❒ Before specifying the binding option, the duplex option must be set to on.
❒ Data and paper volume affect completion of the print job.
binding=value of binding
The following sample shows how to set duplex printing and long-edge binding
(host name: “nphost”; file name: “file1”):
• rsh
% rsh nphost print duplex=on,binding=longedge < file1
• rcp
% rcp file1 nphost:duplex=on,binding=longedge
• ftp
ftp> put file1 duplex=on,binding=longedge
Specify the paper orientation.
❒ Only the selected PCL 5e from the printer language option is available.
orientation=feed direction (portrait or landscape)
The following sample shows how to print the paper vertically using the orienta-
tion function (host name: “nphost”; file name: “file1”):
• rsh
% rsh nphost print orientation=portrait < file1
Binding direction Value
Longedge longedge
Shortedge shortedge
Orientation value
Portrait portrait
Landscape landscape