session<community name> not defined. The requested community name is not de-
session_ipx<community name> not defined. The requested community name is not de-
Set context to <NDS context name> A <NDS context name> has been set.
shutdown signal received. network service re-
Rebooting the network service.
smbd start. (NetBEUI) An smbd (SMB (Server Message Block) serv-
ice) has started.
Snmp over ip is ready. Communication over TCP/IP via SNMP is
Snmp over IP over 1394 is ready. Communication over IP over 1394 via SNMP
is available.
Snmp over ipx is ready. Communication over IPX via SNMP is availa-
snmpd start. SNMP service has started.
started. Direct print service has started.
The print server received error <error
number> during attempt to log in to the net-
work.Access to the network was denied.Verify
that the print server name and password are
Cannot log on to the file server. The print serv-
er is not registered or a password is specified.
Register the print server without specifying a
SMTPC: failed to get smtp server ip-address. Failed to get the SMTP server IP address. This
could be because:
• The DNS server could not be found.
• There is no connection to the network.
• The specified DNS server could not be con-
nected to.
• Incorrect DNS server is specified.
• No specified SMTP server IP address in
the DNS server.
SMTPC: failed to connect smtp server. timeout. Failed to connect the SMTP server due to
timeout. This could be because:
• The SMTP server name is incorrect.
• There is no connection to the network.
• The network configuration is incorrect, so
there is no response from the SMTP server.
SMTPC: refused connect by smtp server. The connection to the SMTP server is denied.
This could be because:
• Another server other than the SMTP server
has been specified.
• The SMTP server port number is incorrect.
Message Causes and solutions