Message List
SMTPC: no smtp server. connection close. No response from the SMTP protocol. Cannot
connect to the SMTP server. This could be be-
• Another server other than the SMTP server
has been specified.
• The SMTP server port number is incorrect.
SMTPC: failed to connect smtp server. Failed to connect the SMTP server. This could
be because:
• There is no connection to the network.
• The network configuration is incorrect, so
there is no response from the SMTP server.
• The SMTP server name is incorrect.
• The specified SMTP server is incorrect.
• There is no specified SMTP server IP ad-
dress in the DNS server.
• Another server other than the SMTP server
has been specified.
• The SMTP server port number is incorrect.
SMTPC: username or password wasn’t correct. Failed to connect the SMTP server. This could
be because:
• The specified SMTP user name is incorrect.
• The specified SMTP password is incorrect.
Check the SMTP user name and password.
WINS name registration: No response to serv-
er (WINS server address)
There is no response from the server during
data registration.
Check the WINS server address is correct and
WINS server is working properly.
WINS name registration/refresh error code
(error code)
The NetBEUI name could not be registered or
updated. Make sure the name is not already
being used. If the name is not the problem,
check that the WINS server address is correct
and that the WINS server is working properly.
WINS wrong scopeID The scope ID is wrong.
Specify the correct scope ID.
write error occurred. (diskfull) The hard disk became full while the spool file
was being written.
Wait until enough HDD space becomes avail-
able as printing proceeds.
write error occurred. (fatal) A fatal error occurred while the spool file was
being written.
Turn the printer off and then on. If this does
not work, contact your service or sales repre-
Message Causes and solutions