Chapter 3: Standard Chart Operations 3-29
Following Routes and
Going to Points
3.5 Following Routes and Going to Points
The default soft key GOTO accesses the functions to FOLLOW arouteandGOTO
a waypoint or cursor. When you select the target destination, the chartplotter
calculates bearing, distance andcross track error; this information is passedto
a helmsman or autopilot. You canalso restart the cross track error (XTE) from
the actual vessel position to set XTE to zero at that point.
When the chartplotter is following a route, the target destination is indicated
bya square aroundthe waypoint(or cursor marker) andadottedline showsthe
intended track, from your start point or previous waypoint, to the target
This section describes the following:
• Follow a route either forwards, or in reverse order.
• Target Point Arrival
• Other follow route options, including joining at a selected waypoint,
advancing waypoints, and restarting XTE.
• Go to an individual point, either an existing waypoint or the cursor.
• Stop and Restart Follow/Goto.
An alarm is triggered when you approach a waypoint, this section describes
what happens when you arrive at waypoints. Chapter 4 describes how to set
the alarm.
The chartplotter can also display the vessel’s actual track and the track can be
recorded for later display. The Track function is described in the Section 3.7.
➤ To access the Goto/Follow soft keys, press the default soft key GOTO (the soft
keys differ if a follow or goto is already in progress):
Follow a Route
Note: The current route may have been created on this display, or created on
another unit and received on this display via SeaTalk.
If a route has been reversed or if a route on screen was being followed but
stopped before completion, the target waypoint – outlined by a square box –
may be different to when the route was created.