Chapter 5: Setting Up the System Defaults 5-9
NMEA Out Set Up
For example, if you have a course computer connected on SeaTalk and
NMEA, and an active compass connected on NMEA, SeaTalk data overrides
NMEA data in the course computer. You should therefore switch OFF the
Bridge NMEA Heading option to ensure the course computer receives the
same NMEA heading input as the display system.
NMEA Out Set Up
This option lets you switch off individual NMEA out sentences.
Cursor Echo
You can set up an integrated system so that radar and chartplotter displays
connected via SeaTalk can display each other’scursors.
Cursor echo functions so that you can display a chart cursor on the radar
picture, or a radar cursor on the chart picture (you cannot display a remote
radar cursor in a radar window nor a remote chart cursor in a chart window).
When the appropriate options are switched on, each display shows its own
cursor, plus the cursor ofthe other displaywith appropriate cursortext (RDR or
CHT) to indicate its origin. This means that you could move the cursor over a
target onthe radardisplay, and checkthe identity of thetarget by looking atthe
radar cursor position on the chartplotter.
Press the CURSOR ECHO soft key to display the cursor transfer soft keys. The
following options can be toggled ON or OFF:
• Radar Cursor In: displays the cursor from a radar on the chart display
(default - OFF).
• Chart Cursor In: - not valid for the SL520/530/631 PLUS display.
Note: The remotedisplay must haveSeaTalk Cursor Outenabled. Raymarine
recommend that in multi-display systems, you do not enable Cursor Out on
more than two displays. If multiple displays have cursor out enabled, the cur-
sors will not be displayed simultaneously, but will flash on/off.
• SeaTalk Cursor Out: enables the output, onto SeaTalk, of the display’s
own cursor (default - OFF).
• Cursor Echo Local: - not valid for the SL520/530/631 PLUS display.
If you set the options to OFF, no cursor echo information is displayed.
Date and Time Settings
Set your preferred date format (DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY) and time
format (12 or 24 hour). If you wish to display local time, use the soft keys to
change from UTC to the required time offset. This can be up to plus or minus
13 hours, in hourly steps.