Chapter 6: Installation 6-9
Cable Runs
6.4 Cable Runs
Consider the following before installing the system cables:
• You need to attach the power cable. Additional cables will be required if
you are installing an integrated system.
• All cables should be adequately secured, protected from physical damage
and protected from exposure to heat. Avoid running cables through bilges
or doorways, or close to moving or hot objects.
• Acute bends must be avoided
• Where a cable passes through an exposed bulkhead or deckhead, a water-
tight feed-through should be used.
• Secure cables inplace using tie-wraps orlacing twine. Coil any extra cable
and tie it out of the way.
You need to run the following cables:
• Power/NMEA Input cable,supplied with the display unit.This has acon-
nector plug at one end for connecting the display unit, and 7 wires at the
other end for connecting the powersupply and optional NMEA inputs (see
Section 6.8, Integrated Systems).
• SeaTalk cable, optional, with SeaTalk connector(s) at one or both ends.
• NMEA Output cable, optional, with an NMEA OUT connector at one
end only.
Power Cable
The displaysystem (i.e.witha scannerconnected)is intended foruse onships’
DC power systems rated at 12V, 24V or 32V.
A 5 ft. (1.5 m) power cable is supplied for connecting the ship’s DC power to
the display unit. Longer power cable runs may require larger wire gauges to
minimise any voltage drop in the cable.
Ifa longerpower cablerun isrequired,usethesuppliedpower cableto connect
to the display unit. Then use a suitable connector block to connect the free end
to the extension cable, taking particular care to ensure correct polarity. The
supplied power cable has a cross-section of 2.0 mm