3Alarms Acknowledging Alarms
Acknowledging Alarms
To acknowledge all active alarms and INOPs, select the Silence permanent
key. This switches off the audible alarm indicators and alarm lamps. Alternatively,
you can acknowledge alarms by pressing the Silence hardkey on the MMS or
on the SpeedPoint. The hardkeys follow the behavior configured for the
permanent key.
A check mark beside the alarm message indicates that the alarm has been
acknowledged. If the monitor is configured to re-alarm, a dashed check mark will
be shown.
If the condition that triggered the alarm is still present
after the alarm has been acknowledged, the alarm message
stays on the screen with a check mark symbol beside it.
If the alarm condition is no longer present, all alarm indicators stop and the alarm is reset.
Switching off the alarms for the measurement in alarm, or switching off the measurement itself, also
stops alarm indication.
Acknowledging Disconnect INOPs
Acknowledging an INOP that results from a disconnected transducer switches off the associated
measurement. The only exception is ECG/Resp: acknowledging a disconnect INOP for ECG leads
does not switch off the ECG and Resp measurements. Acknowledging a disconnect INOP at the
Information Center switches off the audible INOP indicator but does not switch off the measurement.
Unplugging an MMS or a plug-in module automatically switches off its measurements.
Alarm Reminder (ReAlarm)
If Alarm Reminder is configured on for your monitor, you will get an audible reminder of alarm
conditions that remain active after you have acknowledged the alarm. This reminder may take the form
of a repetition of the alarm tone for a limited time, or an unlimited repetition of the alarm tone (this is
the same as a new alarm). There is no alarm reminder for INOPs.
In Configuration Mode, you can set the interval between silencing the alarm and sounding the
reminder tone to one, two, or three minutes.
Pausing or Switching Off Alarms
If you want to temporarily prevent alarms from sounding, for example while you are moving a patient,
you can pause alarms. Depending on your monitor configuration, alarms are paused for one, two, or
three minutes, or infinitely.
To view the alarm pause setting chosen for your unit,
1 Select Main Setup -> Alarm Settings
2 Check the Alarms Off setting.
This setting can only be changed in Configuration Mode.