Inserting the Catheter 17 Monitoring SvO
Place the optical connector into the optical module (with the label “TOP” facing upwards) and
close the lid.
4 In the Setup SvO2 menu, select Start Pre-InsCal. Ensure that the tip of the catheter is still
in the optical reference.
5 Insert the catheter when you see the message SvO2 calibration completed - catheter
ready for insertion
. If the calibration fails, repeat the calibration before inserting the
catheter. If it fails a second time, replace the optical module.
Inserting the Catheter
1 Remove the inner cover of the catheter tray.
2 Remove the catheter tip from the optical reference. Check the catheter's proper operation (for
example: the balloon tip).
3 Prepare and insert the catheter in accordance with standard hospital practice.
The Sv
catheter is thin and flexible, treat it carefully. Avoid kinking, bending or grasping the
catheter with forceps or a hemostat. Damage to the fiber results in low intensity light and sudden
decrease in intensity readings. Refer to the documentation provided with the fibre-optic catheter,
paying special attention to any precautions, warnings or contraindications.
Secure the optical module directly or in close proximity to the patient, to avoid placing excessive
tension on the catheter, which would result in movement of the catheter tip from the optimal position
in the patient. Position the optical module to avoid contact with liquids, because fluid entering the
catheter-optical module connection may impair light transmission.
If you place the catheter in the patient without performing the pre-insertion calibration, you must
perform an in-vivo calibration once the catheter is in place.
Performing a Light Intensity Calibration
Perform a light intensity calibration after the catheter is in its proper position. When the catheter is
positioned properly, the light intensity indicator must cover at least two small divisions above the
♦ In the Setup SvO2 menu, select Start Light Cal.
Calibration is complete after a few seconds. If you doubt existing light intensity readings, recalibrate.