About ST Monitoring 6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring
About ST Monitoring
The monitor performs ST segment analysis on normal and atrially paced beats and calculates ST
segment elevations and depressions. This information can be displayed in the form of ST numerics and
snippets on the monitor.
All available leads can be monitored continuously. The ECG waveform does not need to be displayed
on the Screen for ST Segment analysis.
ST segment monitoring is intended for use with adult patients only and is not clinically validated for
use with neonatal and pediatric patients. For this reason, the recommended - and default - setting for
ST monitoring in neonatal and pediatric modes is ST Analysis: Off.
ST analysis is always performed using a dedicated filter which ensures diagnostic quality. If you are
monitoring ECG using an ECG filter mode other than Diagnostic, the ST segment of the ECG wave
may look different from the ST segment of the ST snippet for the same wave. For diagnostic evaluation
of the ST segment, always switch to Diagnostic filter mode or use the ST snippet.
WARNING Some clinical conditions may make it difficult to achieve reliable ST monitoring, for example:
• if you are unable to get a lead that is not noisy
• if arrhythmias such as atrial fib/flutter are present, which may cause an irregular baseline
• if the patient is continuously ventricularly paced
• if the patient has left bundle branch block.
You should consider switching ST monitoring off if these conditions are present.
This monitor provides ST level change information; the clinical significance of the ST level change
information should be determined by a physician.
Switching ST On and Off
♦ To switch all ST monitoring on or off, in the Setup ST Analysis menu, select ST Analysis
to toggle between On and Off.
Selecting ST Leads for Analysis
♦ To switch ST monitoring for individual leads on or off, in the Setup ST Analysis menu,
select Setup ST Leads. In the pop-up window, the leads in the left column under
are the leads you can choose from, and the leads in the right-hand column Selected are the
leads chosen to be displayed. Select the ST leads on the left and use the arrow keys to move the
leads from one list to the other, then select Done to apply the changes.