4. Configuration Options
4-10 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
Configuring the Overall System
The System menu options are described in the following sections:
Configuring Frame Relay and LMI for the CSU/DSU
Configuring Class of Service Definitions
Code Point Definitions
Service Level Verification Options
(Advanced SLM Feature Set)
Configuring General System Options
Configuring Frame Relay and LMI for the CSU/DSU
Select Frame Relay and LMI from the System menu to display or change the
Frame Relay and LMI (Local Management Interface) options for the entire system
(see Table 4-2, CSU/DSU Frame Relay and LMI Options). The Frame Relay and
LMI options do not apply to the router.
Main Menu Configuration System Frame Relay and LMI
Table 4-2. CSU/DSU Frame Relay and LMI Options (1 of 3)
LMI Behavior (9720)
Possible Settings: Independent, Net1-FR1_Follows_Port-1,
Port-1_Follows_Net1-FR1, Port-1_Codependent_with_Net1-FR1
Default Setting: Port-1_Codependent_with_Net1-FR1
Allows the state of the LMI to be passed from one interface to another.
Independent – The LMI state for each interface is handled separately, and is not affected
by the LMI state of the other interface.
Net1-FR1_Follows_Port-1 – The LMI state for the Net1-FR1 interface follows the state of
the LMI of the Port 1 interface. If the LMI is down on the Port 1 interface, the system brings
down the LMI on the Net1-FR1 interface, and when the LMI is up on Port 1, the system
brings up the LMI on the Net1-FR1 Interface. This setting is useful at a central site when
the remote site router on the other end of the PVC connection can initiate recovery via a
redundant central site when there is a catastrophic central site LAN or router failure. Not
recommended for NSPs.
Port-1_Follows_Net1-FR1 – Brings down LMI on Port-1 when there is a physical failure
on the network interface. When the alarm on the network interface is cleared, Port-1 is
re-enabled and its control leads are reasserted. This setting is useful if the router
connected to Port-1 is used to initiate recovery when network failures are detected.
Port-1_Codependent_with_Net1-FR1 – The LMI state for Port 1 and the Net1-FR1
interface are dependent on each other. If the LMI is down on either interface, the system
will bring the LMI down on the other interface. When the LMI is up on either interface, the
system will bring the LMI up on the other interface.