3. Configuration Procedures
9700-A2-GB20-20 December 2002 3-5
Changing Configuration Options
When security has been set up, only Security Access Level 1 users can change
configuration options. See Chapter 6,
Security and Logins,
for additional
To change configuration option settings:
1. From the Configuration Edit/Display menu, select a set of configuration options
and press Enter.
For example:
Configuration PVC Connections
2. Make appropriate changes to the configuration option setting(s). For additional
information regarding the user interface, see Chapter 2,
User and Command
Line Interfaces, and Basic Operation.
When creating new PVC connections or management PVCs, some
configuration options will be blank. For a valid setting to appear, Tab to the
configuration option and press the spacebar.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until all changes are complete.
4. S
ave your changes.
Saving Configuration Options
When changing configuration option settings, you must Save the changes before
they will take effect.
To save configuration option changes:
1. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the function key area at the bottom of the screen.
2. Type s or S to select the S
ave function and press Enter.
The Save Configuration To: screen appears.
If you try to exit the Configuration menu without saving changes, a Save
Configuration screen appears requiring a Yes or No response.
— If you select N
o, the Main Menu screen reappears and the changes
are not saved.
— If you select Y
es, the Save Configuration To: screen appears.
3. Select the configuration option area to which you want to save your changes
(normally the Current Configuration) and press Enter.
When the Save is complete, Command Complete appears in the message
area at the bottom of the screen.