8. Troubleshooting
8-6 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
Viewing LMI Captured Packets from the User Interface
The twelve most recent LMI events are stored in the trace log. Once the capture
buffer or trace log is full, the oldest packets are overwritten. To view the most
recently captured packets using the menu-driven user interface:
Control LMI Packet Capture Utility Display LMI Trace Log
LMI Trace Log Example
Select R
efresh to update the screen with the twelve most recently collected LMI
The following information is provided for the LMI Trace Log:
The internal LMI record number assigned to the packet (1–8000) and the
amount of time the utility was running when the packet was captured.
The maximum amount of time displayed is 4,294,967 s (seconds). The display
is reset to 1 second when this amount of time is exceeded.
The captured packet message, either Status Message or Status Enquiry
Message and the number of packet bytes.
The LMI Type identified in the Protocol Discriminator portion of the captured
packet and the DLCI number for the packet.
The type of information contained in the captured packet, either Sequence
Number Exchange or Full Status Report.
The Send and Receive (Rcv) sequence numbers from the captured packet
On the Packets Received side of the screen, PVC status for up to ten DLCIs
can be shown; including the DLCI number, the active bit status, and if
Standard LMI is running, the DLCI’s CIR value.
main/control/lmi_capture/display_log 9783-C-SLV
Device Name: Node A 2/26/2001 08:01
LMI TRACE LOG Page 1 of 3
Packets Transmitted to Net1-FR1 Packets Received from Net1-FR1
LMI Record #1 at 0 s
Status Enquiry Message, 13 bytes
LMI Type is Standard on DLCI 1023
Sequence Number Exchange
Send Seq #181, Rcv Seq #177
LMI Record #2 at 0 s
Status Enquiry Message, 13 bytes
LMI Type is Standard on DLCI 1023
Sequence Number Exchange
Send Seq #181, Rcv Seq #177
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu MainMenu Exit
Refresh PgUp PgDn