Index 395
Trusted Device list 171
Trusted Devices button 172
, 175
Trusted Devices screen 329
trusted devices. See partnerships
trusted pairs. See partnerships
TTY/TDD devices 93
TTY/TDD mode icon 97
TTY/TDD pick list 92
TTY/TDD preferences 92
turning phone on and off 54, 55
turning screen on and off 54
TV application 105210
TV Guide 109
unanswered calls 25
unauthorized calls 290
unauthorized users 25
, 288
Unfiled category 257
, 261
uninstalling Palm Desktop software 313
Unknown Caller pick list 86
unknown senders 258
unlocking smart device 22
, 292
unread messages 98
, 137, 150, 227
Unread messages check box 137
untimed events 224
, 228
Untimed Events check box 228
up arrow icon 48
Update Vision Profile command 333
updates 335
updating information 28
upgrades 29
–31, 302
Upload icon 193
Upload to Online Albums option 183
, 185,
uppercase letters 48
urgent messages 150
URLs 148, 158, 167
USB hubs 34
USB port 34
USB sync cable 11, 16, 34, 37
Use color for pick list 151
user discussion groups 335
User folder 340
user folders 311
User Guide 334
user names 106
, 127
vCal attachments 323
vCard attachments 323
vehicle power charger 17
accessing corporate information and 138
changing screen fonts for 279
creating messages and 129
customizing 135
deleting messages and 133
, 134
downloading attachments and 132
opening 128
retrieving messages and 128, 135, 136,
sending messages and 130
, 138
setting up accounts for 124
synchronizing email with 35
version information 255