
372 Index
sending information over Bluetooth 256
troubleshooting 318
, 322, 326, 328
viewing status of 96
connectivity specifications 362
constants 243
Contact Edit dialog box 89
, 217
contact names, dialing by 58
adding 216
assigning pictures to 89
, 191
categorizing 89
changing information for 218
creating 68
deleting 219
entering multiple 216
entering phone numbers for 68
, 90
mapping location of 218
marking as private 217
searching for 58, 85
sending messages to 122
, 129, 142, 144,
setting caller ID ringtones for 89
, 217
synchronizing 36
, 138
transferring to smart device 29
viewing information about 58
, 59
Contacts application
changing screen fonts for 278
managing contact information and 216
opening 216
updating information in 35
, 36, 138
Contacts favorite button 58
, 77, 216
Contacts list 58
, 142, 144, 218
controls 9
, 11, 12
conversion functions 243
cookies 167
, 168
Copy to Ringtone command 239
applications 261, 271
music 202
phone numbers 57
pictures 190
text 163
video clips 190
, 202
corporate address lists 124
corporate mail systems 114
, 296, 324
corporate servers 32
, 138, 296
country-specific formats 279
coupling 318
coverage area 18, 96, 318
Coverage in/out pick list 87
coverage maps 335
Create a New Contact button 68
Create chats from messages pick list 151
bookmarks 163
, 165, 166
business cards 219
contacts 68
email messages 122129130
favorite buttons 75
memos 234
multimedia messages 144
145, 146
partnerships 81
, 170, 173, 175
passwords 26
playlists 207
QuickText phrases 146