92 Section 2B: Phone Features
Ⅲ Clear Voicemail Icon lets you manually reset the Voicemail icon if it still appears in
the Phone application title bar after you have listened to all your voicemail.
Ⅲ TTY/TDD enables you to use your device’s phone if you are hearing impaired.
Select Default Mode to send and receive text. Select VCO Mode (Voice Carry Over)
to send voice and receive text. Select HCO Mode (Hearing Carry Over) to send text
and receive voice. See the following section, “TTY Use With Sprint Service,” for
more information.
Ⅲ Hearing Aid Compatibility sends the audio from your phone calls to the telecoil
rather than to the microphone of your hearing aid. See “Turning on the HAC
Setting” on page 350 for more information on this setting.
Ⅲ Ask to add unknown phone numbers after calls displays a prompt asking whether
you would like to add the unknown phone number to your Contacts list when you
complete a call.
5. Select OK.
Do not turn on the Hearing Aid Compatibility setting unless you use a
hearing aid with a telecoil. Using this setting without a hearing aid or
with a hearing aid without a telecoil may be harmful to your hearing.