
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 93
The Wireless Sync application
The VersaMail application
Before you can use VersaMail, you need to enter your email account
settings. If you have multiple email accounts, you must enter settings
for each email account.
After you enter your email account settings, see the User Guide for the
VersaMail Application on the Palm Software Installation CD for
information on sending and receiving messages and customizing your
VersaMail application settings.
How do I get started?
The correct protocol,
server, and security
settings are required
for VersaMail to be
able to send and
receive email for your
account. Your email
provider can easily
provide these settings.
You may be able to
find this account setup
info on your email
provider’s website.
1. Install the VersaMail application from the CD that came with your
smartphone. See Installing applications
for details.
2. If you already use the VersaMail application on a Palm OS
and you want to transfer those settings to your new smartphone,
then see the User Guide for the VersaMail Application on the Palm
Software Installation CD for upgrade information.
3. If you’re entering settings for an email account on a Microsoft
Exchange ActiveSync
server, a Lotus Notes server, or a Microsoft
MAPI server, see the User Guide for the VersaMail Application on
the Palm Software Installation CD for setup steps.