Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 52
Managing active calls
Saving phone numbers
After you complete an outgoing call to a number that is not in your
Contacts list, you are prompted to add the number to your Contacts list.
You are also prompted to add new numbers from incoming calls with
caller ID.
• To create a new contact entry for this
number, select Create a New Contact, and
enter the contact’s info.
• To add this number to an existing contact
entry, select Add to a Contact, and then
select the contact. The number will be
pasted into the first available phone number
field for that contact.
• To decline adding this number, select Cancel.
• To disable the Add New Number prompt, check the Don’t ask me
this again box.
If you don’t add a number right away, follow these steps to add it later.
You can turn the Add
New Number prompt
on and off. From the
Main View in the
Phone app, open the
Options Menu, and
select Phone
Preferences. To turn
this option on, check
the Ask to add
unknown phone
numbers after calls
box. To turn this option
off, uncheck this box.
1. In the Call Log (see Redialing a recently called number), highlight
the number you want to save.
2. Open the menus .
3. Select Add Contact.
4. Enter the information for the entry.
5. Select Done.