Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 84
Using email
Your Treo™ 700P smartphone includes two email applications: the
Wireless Sync application and the VersaMail
application. You can also
access web-based email from your smartphone’s web browser.
Which application should I use?
Before You Begin
You must activate data
services on your
Verizon Wireless
account before you
can use email on your
An email application is
not an email provider.
It works with an
account from a
provider to transfer
messages to
your smartphone.
Key Term
Email provider The
service you use to
send and receive
email. Your email
provider’s name
appears between the
@ symbol and the dot
symbol in your email
I want to… Use this app…
Check free web mail, such as Hotmail, Gmail, or
Web browser
Check fee-based Internet mail, such as Yahoo! Mail
Wireless Sync
or VersaMail
Sync my email and organizer info with my company’s
Exchange server
Wireless Sync
or VersaMail
Sync my email with my company’s Domino server Wireless Sync
or VersaMail
Check messages from multiple email addresses VersaMail
Sync my email and organizer info with my company’s
Lotus Notes/Domino server
Wireless Sync
Connect to my company’s Wireless Sync server Wireless Sync
Access email on my smartphone, my computer, and
the Verizon Wireless web site
Wireless Sync
Use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) while
sending and receiving messages
Wireless Sync