2-3-1 Normal Character String Displays
If you select STR DISP from the Initial Edit Display, the Initial Screen for
Character String Display will appear.
Initial Display for Character String Display
Table entires 0 to 13 are displayed first on the screen. To display the next
entires, press the Pg Dn Key; to return to previously entries, press the Pg Up
Select the string table entry that you want to reference and then press the
Enter Key.
Inputting Initial Value Set the initial value for the selected table entry.
Input the initial value according to the instructions for inputting the initial val-
ues for numeral tables. For the NT20M, the maximum number of characters
that can be registered is 32 characters. For the NT600M, the maximum num-
ber of characters that can be registered is 40 characters.
Input the characters, and then press the Enter Key.
Designating String Tables
to be Referenced
Character String Displays Section 2-3