4-1 Copying Files
You can copy all the contents of a designated file (i.e., screen data, memory
table data, and mark data) to another file. The file can be in any accessible
1, 2, 3...
1. Go to the File Selection Display.
2. Press F1 (Copy). A list of files in the data directory specified in the Tool
Settings will be displayed.
3. To copy a file from the displayed list, go to step 5. To copy a file in a dif-
ferent directory, press F1. An input field for the drive and directory
names will appear.
4. Specify the drive and directory from which a file is to be copied. A list of
files in the specified directory will be displayed.
5. Specify the file to be copied or press the Escape Key to cancel.
6. Input a name of up to 8 normal characters for the file to which the data
is to be copied, and then press the Enter Key.
7. Input a title of up to 28 characters, and then press the Enter Key or
press the Escape Key to cancel.
Copying Files Section 4-1