1-10 Editing Screens
If you select a screen number from the Screen Selection Display, the Initial
Edit Display will be displayed. If the NT20M has been selected with Tool Set-
tings, then the NT20M screen image display area will be shown in the rectan-
gular box at the top of the display. If the NT600M has been selected, then the
entire display becomes a display area and this box will not appear.
Initial Edit Display
Screen Edit Operations The following operations can be performed on the Edit Display.
Item Function Page
Input string (STR
Inputs character strings to be displayed on the screen and sets their display positions and
the manner in which they are to be displayed. Character strings input in this way are treated
as fixed displays, and their displays cannot be changed while the Programmable Terminal is
Numeral display
Sets numeric displays for the screen by designating the numeral table entry to be referenced
at the time of display, the display position, and the method of display.
String display (STR
Sets character string displays for the screen by designating the string table entry to be
referenced at the time of display, the display position, and the method of display.
Lamps (LAMP) Sets lamps for the screen by designating the size/shape of lamp areas, numbers, and labels. 40
Touch switches
Sets touch switches for the screen by designating the size of touch switch areas, numbers,
and labels.
Bar graphs (BAR
Sets bar graphs for the screen by designating the numeral table entry to use, the display
positions/directions, and the method of display. The display of percentage calculations is
also set.
Table editing (TBL
Edits numeral table and character string table contents, and is the same as the table editing
operation entered from the Screen Selection Display.
Numeral editing
Creates screens for numeric input via function keys, touch switches, or Expansion I/O Units
(32/16 Terminals or Function Key Units (12 keys)) and designates the numeral table to which
the input will be written.
Graphic input
Polylines (a broken line made up of one or more line segments) and circles can be created
on screen.
Marks (MARK) Creates and modifies marks. 82
Edit (EDIT) Copies, moves, or deletes text or graphics on the screen. 87
Editing Screens Section 1-10