
O peration
We recom m end that the SW 10 ll or SW 12 pow er be left
on, which will allow the built-in Auto M ode feature to dis-
able the subw oofer w hen not in use.
Every speaker, has limits, and it's im portant to listen for
them . Speaker dam age most often results not from brief
loud musical peaks, but from sustained high volum e lev-
els in som e or all frequencies. F or this reason,
extrem e volum e settings and excessive bass, treble or
equalizer boosts are not recom m ended.
If you hear unusual distortion or breakup, or notice heat
com ing from the w oofer, decrease volum e im m ediately,
neutralize any excess bass, treble or equalizer boosts,
and avoid setting any controls to similar extrem es again.
Your SW 10 ll and SW 12 is designed for years of use with
no or minimal maintenance, as long as you avoid expos-
ing it to direct sunlight, high tem peratures, or moisture.
Clean cabinets, when necessary, using a dam p cloth or
a m ild, non-abrasive cleaner; to clean grilles, rem ove
from speaker and use a soft brush or a vacuum on its
low est setting. Do not attem pt to clean the actual driv-
9.8 Changing the Line Voltage Setting
The SW 10 ll and SW 12 were designed to operate on two
line voltage settings, 115VAC and 230VAC. In the event
that it is necessary to change the line voltage setting,
begin by turning the power sw itch to the off position.
Remove all the connections from the am plifier, including
the detachable power cord. U sing a flat blade screw -
driver, slide the switch to the correct position. U se the
115VAC position for 110 to 120 VAC, and the 230VAC
position for 220 to 240 VAC. Next you will likely need a
pow er cord that fits the AC receptacle and you will need
to replace the fuse (see "C hanging the Fuse" below )
Changing the Fuse
The SW 10 ll and SW 12 am plifier's fuse is user-servicea-
To replace it:
turn the pow er OFF
unplug the power cord
rem ove the fuse holder cover (above to the pow er inlet)
with a flat blade screw driver
rem ove the fuse from the holder and replace it with the
appropriate type.
reinstall the fuse holder
Alw ays replace the fuse w ith one of the exact sam e
SW 10 ll:
For system s operating at 115 volts, use only a 5x20 mm,
T3A, 250-volt slow -blow fuse.
For system s operating at 230 volts, use only a 5x20 mm,
T2.0A, 250-volt slow -blow fuse.
SW 12:
For system s operating at 115 volts, use only a 5x20 mm,
T5A, 250-volt slow -blow fuse.
For system s operating at 230 volts, use only a 5x20 mm,
T2.5A, 250-volt slow -blow fuse.
If the SW 10 ll or SW 12 fails to operate at all w hen the
Power Switch is turned on, thoroughly check the pow er
cord, input and output connections
If the SW 10 ll or SW 12 turns on but the LED indicator
fails to illum inate, mis-wiring or a pow er surge may have
caused the protection fuse to blow. R eplace it with one of
correct type and value.
If the SW 10 ll or SW 12 turns on but its status LED stays
red, the unit is gone into protect m ode, which could be
caused by incorrect wiring, short circuits, or excessive
volum e. Turn off the Power Switch on the subw oofer for
two or more seconds to reset, and double check all
speaker cables to be sure that no sm all metal strands are
shorting the terminals.
If these steps don't restore the SW 10 ll or SW 12 to oper-
ation, contact your local Authorized NHT D ealer or NHT
for assistance.
Your satisfaction w ith your new NH T SW 10 ll or SW 12
Subwoofer is im portant to us. Please note the matched
products and accessories we provide for them , and your
warranty, printed on the back of this m anual. If you have
any questions regarding your speakers' use, feel free to
call NHT at 1-800-NHT-9993. E n joy your listening and
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