Fine Tuning the Subw oofer
The key to good subw oofer / speaker integration is
repeated listening, follow ed by m aking sm all re-adjust-
m ents of the subw oofer controls. The m ost im portant
bass tuning functions you will control are the LO W -PASS
FILTE R , follow ed by the VO LU M E C O N TR O L settings
The frequency chart below lists som e terms commonly
used to describe different bands of the frequency
spectrum . Listen to your system and make adjustm ents
to achieve a seam less blend between your m ain
speakers and the SW 10 ll or SW 12. Four com m on prob-
lem s are outlined below. Follow the flow chart to correct
these. See the glossary for any terms you are unfam iliar
Frequency Chart
Low B ass Mid B ass U pper Bass Low er Mid Mid U pper Mid High
Below 50Hz 50Hz-100Hz 100Hz-180Hz
3K and above
180Hz-300Hz 300Hz-700Hz 700Hz-3K