
is to rem em ber that low frequencies produce sounds with
long w avelengths, which interact in com plex ways with
room boundaries, such a w alls and corners, and other
large objects as well.
Placing the subw oofer near to a room boundary will tend
to increase its apparent bass output, but may result in
"boom y" or "m uddy" sound. C onversely, placing it farther
aw ay from room boundaries w ill tend to decrease its
apparent bass output, but may result in improved
articulation and clarity.
W hen possible, place the subw oofer in the sam e
horizontal plane and along the sam e w all as the m ain
And since sm all changes in subw oofer position can have
a significant effect on sound, experim enting w ith the
effects of different placem ents in your ow n listening/view -
ing room is the key to finding the sound you like best.
SW 10 ll and S W 12 Features & Contro ls
Volum e: This control allow s you to adjust the gain of the
Subwoofer relative to the rest of your system . M any lis-
teners make the mistake of setting subw oofers too loud,
which can cause excess bloat and loss of detail and
musicality. A properly calibrated subw oofer blends in with
the speakers and does not call attention to itself. To
properly set volum e:
Turn down the volum e control on the SW 10 ll or SW 12
to its low est position (counter-clockw ise).
• T u rn on your audio system , including the SW 10 ll or
SW 12. Play some music you are fam iliar with and set
your receiver/pream plifier volum e to a com fortable lis-
tening level.
Slowly increase the volum e of the SW 10 ll or SW 12, lis-
tening for proper frequency balance. W hen balanced,
you will hear improved bass extension, but not be aware
that it is com ing from the subw oofer.
From this point on, the volum e contro l on your
receiver/pream plifier will control the overall volum e of
your system , including the subw oofer.
The Boundary EQ : This is a feature unique to NHT
Evolution products. Reflective boundaries (such as
walls) reinforce a speaker’s bass output (3dB for two
walls, 6dB for a corner) if the subw oofer is placed near
them . Conversely, placing a subw oofer out in the room
results in a relative decrease in bass output. Boundary
reinforcem ent may lead to low frequency response that
Thank you for your purchase of the N H T
SW 10 ll or SW 12 pow ered subw oofer.
Like all NHT loudspeakers, the SW 10 ll and SW 12's
developm ent has been guided by the study of hum an
hearing, its design rigorously tested, and its com ponents
optimized to deliver clean, clear musical sound.
Since the quality of your speakers is one of the m ost
im portant factors in maximizing the sound you'll get from
your music and hom e theater system , we're sure that
you'll find your purchase of the SW 10 ll and SW 12 a
good investm ent, and invite your com m ents.
If you find your experience w ith the SW 10 ll and SW 12
as satisfying as we believe you will, and wish to enjoy its
high quality sound through your entire system , you'll find
information about other sonically m atched N HT Super
Series loudspeakers on the back of this m anual.
B ackground
The N HT SW 10 ll and SW 12 Pow ered Subw oofer is a
com pact, versatile and powerful am plified subw oofer
designed to provide low frequency reinforcem ent for high
perform ance audio and hom e theater system s.
The SW 10 ll and SW 12 features:
line-level and speaker-level inputs, for connection with
all types of receivers or other audio com ponents
independent gain, phase and low pass filter controls
boundary control for adjusting system sound for various
room placem ent
Please take a few m inutes to read through this ow ner's
m anual before setting up your speakers; this information
will help you get the most out of them . Also, please keep
the SW 10 ll or Sw12’s packaging to use in case you
move or transport them .
If you have questions at any tim e during setup or use,
feel free to call your N HT dealer or our Toll-Free
Custom er Hotline at 1-800-NHT-9993.
Placem ent
Note: To prevent the SW 10 ll and SW 12 subw oofer
am plifier from overheating, alw ays be sure to provide
adequate space for proper ventilation. Do not place the
subw oofer directly against the wall or any other surface.
The key to placing your subw oofer for optimal enjoym ent