
Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Test Mailbox Capabilities
Test Message Waiting Indication
Outside Callers vs. Mailbox Owners
In many discussions of server mailboxes, you encounter the terms
outside caller
, or
mailbox owner
. There is a difference between (outside) callers and (mailbox) owners
or users. A caller dials the server number, enters a mailbox number, listens to the mailbox
greeting or prompt (such as “Please leave a message for Kim Smith”), then leaves a message. A
person who is assigned a mailbox is a “mailbox owner.” Owners can log into their own
mailboxes, play messages, choose selections from a User Options Menu, and select other voice
messaging operations. The term “user” usually refers to mailbox owners, as opposed to outside
callers, as they are users on the server.
Mailbox Creation and Modification
Mailbox creation, deletion, and modification are implemented in different ways depending on how
your terminal has been configured.
Scrolling Interface
If you are using the scrolling menu interface, then mailbox creation and modification are similar to
that used in the Release 5.04 application. Creation, deletion, and modification are three different
menu choices. Mailbox creation and modification both generate a set of prompts for the
administrator to answer, one at a time. If you mistakenly answer one prompt incorrectly, you
cannot return to it; you must finish the prompts and recreate or remodify that mailbox again. The
advantage of this method is that it works on any kind of terminal.
Full-Screen Interface
The server has a full-screen interface you use to create, modify or delete mailboxes. All three
options are combined in one menu choice. You use function keys for different options when in
this mailbox menu. The mailbox screen is shown in Figure 6-1. The function keys you can use in
the mailbox maintenance screen are:
Function Key Explanation
Display next mailbox
Display previous mailbox
Delete mailbox
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