Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
Call Placement Menu
Includes parameters related to call placement.
RNA Retry Limit
Sets how many times the server tries to deliver a call placement message after a Ring No Answer
Enter: Number of retries, from 1 through 255
Default: 10 retries
RNA Retry Interval
Sets how long the server waits between tries to deliver a call placement message after a Ring No
Answer call.
Enter: Minutes, from 1 through 255
Default: 60 minutes
Busy Retry Limit
Sets how many times the server tries to deliver a call placement message after a Busy call.
Enter: Number of retries, from 1 through 255
Default: 10 retries
Busy Retry Interval
Sets how long the server waits between tries to deliver a call placement message after a Busy
Enter: Minutes, from 1 through 255
Default: 10 minutes
Message Phone Length
Sets the maximum number of digits a user can enter for a call placement phone number.
Enter: Number of digits from 1 through 25
Default: 7 digits
Recipient Count
Sets the total number of telephone numbers that the user can enter for a single message. This
applies to both the Call Placement and AMIS optional features.
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