Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
The average value of the four 15-minute samples. If a hyphen appears, in place of a numerical
value, it means that the data have not yet been gathered.
The number of speech blocks that were not in use at the time of sampling.
The number of speech blocks that were in use, as percentage of the maximum number of speech
blocks that are allowed on the server.
Figure 12-11 Speech Block Usage Summary Report
Fri Apr 21, 1995 10:58 am
04/17/95 8hr-17hr MAX BLOCKS=384000
8 327175 56825 15 %
9 327723 56277 15 %
10 329312 54688 14 %
11 328879 55121 14 %
12 328290 55710 15 %
13 328231 55769 15 %
14 328473 55527 14 %
15 327908 56092 15 %
16 327062 56938 15 %
17 325930 58070 15 %
Reading the Speech Usage Summary Report
The Speech Usage Summary Report (see sample in Figure 12-11) displays the number of
speech blocks used and free, and the percent of speech storage used, by hour. The summary
report is much less specific than the standard report, but it allows you to determine the hours
when speech storage is at its peak, and which hours have relatively little speech storage.
The results of this report can be compared with the results of the Message Usage Report, to
obtain an accurate picture of message and non-message related speech storage. If names and
greetings consume too large a percentage of speech storage, leaving too little storage for
transient messages, the server administrator can either decrease the maximum greeting length
allowed in the LCOSs for that server, or limit the recording of names for certain FCOSs, or both.
Fax Group Usage Report
This report covers NuPoint Fax statistics, showing transactions, use, resources, and busy line
information for NuPoint Fax groups. A NuPoint Fax group is a set of fax ports on an MVIP bus.
Each MVIP bus is specific to one module. Line groups can be assigned to a NuPoint Fax group
so the fax resources are shared. Figure 12-12 shows a Sample Standard Fax Group Usage
Report. Figure 12-13 shows a sample Fax Group Usage Summary Report.
Figure 12-12 Sample Fax Group Usage Report
Fri Apr 21, 1995 9:12 am
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