
6. On the CA Identifying Information page, enter a name for the CA in the Common name
for this CA text box. This should be the DNS host name for the domain controller. Ideally,
you will have configured a split DNS infrastructure and this name will be accessible from
internal and external locations, so that external hosts will be able to check the certificate
revocation list. We will not cover the issue of a split DNS infrastructure in this document.
You can find more information about designing and configuring a split DNS infrastructure
in the ISA Server 2000 Branch Office Kit document “DNS Considerations for ISA Server
2000 Branch Office Networks” at
http://www.tacteam.net/isaserverorg/isabokit/9dnssupport/9dnssupport.htm. In this
example we will enter the domain controllers NetBIOS name, EXCHANGE2003BE. Click
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 19