
Use the formula below to help calculate your maximum safe shutter speed based on
your flash durations.
L Refer to the Time Conversion Charts section, Page 55, to convert fractions into
decimals for the formula.
1. Add your maximum (longest) flash durations together (decimals, not fractions)
2. Add another 0.002 (focal plane) or 0.001 (leaf shutter) to compensate for shutter
travel time
3. On the Shutter Speed Conversion chart find the next highest decimal number
in the chart. The corresponding shutter speed is the fastest speed you can
safely use for this procedure
4. Set the delay time on the MultiMAX (set for TRANSMIT mode) to the same
number as your on-camera flash unit’s longest flash duration
Programmed sequence shooting
Traveling stroboscopic effects can be achieved by using multiple MultiMAX units (set
for RECEIVE mode) in delay mode. Set each RECEIVE unit to a different delay and
trigger from a PocketW izard. The sequence is identical on repeat triggers.
Recycle Lockout
Some flash units can be damaged if they are triggered too quickly or before they are
fully recharged. This may cause the flash to overheat. Use Multipop Mode to protect
the flash by setting a safe recycle lockout time. Follow the steps below:
1. On a MultiMAX (set for RECEIVE mode) press ~/MENU A C
2. Enter the desired recycle lockout time and press ~/MENU
3. Enter a count of 1 and press ~/MENU
4. Attach remote flash to PORT 2
Example: If the lockout time you entered was 3 seconds, then the remote flash could
not be triggered more than once every 3 seconds.