Advanced Menu
Advanced Menu
Delay Menu
Remotes + PORT 2 delayed
Advanced Menu
Press ~/MENU A to enter the Advanced Menu. This
menu contains the advanced functions of the
MultiMAX. Precision timing and sequencing
operations are available in this menu.
L Press ~/MENU D to cancel advanced functions
and return to normal mode. See the section on
D:Go Advanced and D:Go Normal, Page 26..
A: Delay Menu - TRANSMITTER – ~/MENU A A
Enters the delay menu for MultiMAX units (set for
L Delay menus, with the exception of Rear Curtain,
require numeric entry. See the Numeric Entry section,
Page 25.
ë All delay screens (numeric entry or rear curtain)
are instantly active and triggering can occur while
these screens are displayed. A value displayed on
these screens will be used immediately on trigger.
This is useful for fine tuning a delay or adjusting rear
curtain sync.
L The maximum delay is 6.4 seconds. For longer
delays see the Intervalometer section, Page 36.
A: Remotes + PORT 2
– ~/MENU A A A
Enters the numeric entry screen. Delays the remote
units and PORT 2. Remote units and PORT 2 will fire
at the same time after the displayed delay. PORT 2
will remain contacted for the set contact time. On the
main display a small letter D will appear over the right
of the large L to show that the Local output (PORT 2)
will be delayed. Pressing L will toggle the Local
output (PORT 2) on and off, but the small D will