Intervalometer Mode
Set Interval Screen
120 second Interval
36 trigger Count
B: Intervalometer (Time Lapse Photography) – ~/MENU A B
Enters the Intervalometer interval setting screen.
Intervalometer can be used to trigger a flash or a
camera at a set interval (time gap between triggers) for
a set number of triggers. The interval time is set in
one second increments up to 64000 seconds for a
maximum of 9999 triggers.
1. From the main screen press ~/MENU A B to
enter the numeric entry screen
2. Enter the interval or time gap between triggers
3. Press ~/MENU to proceed to the next screen
4. Enter the count or number of triggers
5. Press ~/MENU to return to the main screen.
The interval will be displayed, and the count will
show the number of triggers to be executed.
6. Press TEST or trigger MultiMAX via Radio to
begin intervalometer function
Intervalometer has two modes of operation depending
on which PORT is used:
• PORT 1 = first trigger takes place AFTER
first interval
• PORT 2 = first trigger takes place BEFORE
first interval
N A MultiMAX (set for TRANSMIT mode) does not send interval radio triggers.
The MultiMAX (set for TRANSMIT mode) will send out a single radio trigger pulse at
the beginning of the first interval only. It will continue to trigger devices attached to its
PORTs, but it will not send a radio trigger for any more intervals. For remote interval
operation, use interval mode on a RECEIVE unit. Each MultiMAX (set for RECEIVE
mode) may have a unique interval setting or can be used with equal settings.
Interval and count entry screens are instantly active
The Set Interval and Adjust Counter screens are instantly active. While the Set Interval
screen is displayed a change of interval will be immediately executed upon trigger
either from the TEST key or Radio trigger. The count used will be the last count set.
If the Adjust Counter screen is displayed a change of count will be immediately
executed upon trigger using the last interval set.
ë Intervalometer can be interrupted by pressing and holding the ~/MENU key.