
Installation User Manual Tx800
4.2.3 Blackout screen function
This function is disabled by default but can be activated in Trux Computer Manager.
In the power supply connector there are two pins (5 and 6), dedicated to dimming the screen for example
when the vehicle is set in motion (when the pedal is pressed). When the vehicle stops (when the pedal is
released) the screen is lit again.
Connect pins 5 (green wire) and 6 (yellow wire) to the vehicle’s pedal-relay by means of an insulated
(electrically), open/close relay contact. Blackout Screen Box is an option, from Åkerströms Trux AB,
which handles this.
If the screen’s black-out function isn’t used, insulate the end of the green and yellow wires on the open end
of the cable.
Figure 8 Wiring Diagram, With Blackout Screen Box