16 Hardware Configuration
VX5 Reference Guide E-EQ-VX5RG-G-ARC
Central Processing Unit
The LXE VX5 contains an Intel Pentium III 933 MHz CPU.
AT Compatible Core Logic
The LXE VX5 utilizes AT-compatible core logic. The VX5 supports the following I/O
• Two 9-pin RS-232 serial ports configured as:
o COM 1 - 03F8h; IRQ4 (SCANNER port, labeled “COM1/SCANNER),
o COM 2 - 02F8h; IRQ3 (PRINTER/PC port, labeled either “COM2” or “
Note: There is no COM3 port on a VX5.
• Two CardBus slots (supporting Type I, II or III PCMCIA cards), accepts two (2)
Type II cards or one (1) Type III card.
• One slot for ATA memory cards supporting PCMCIA or compact flash format,
configured as secondary IDE.
• Primary IDE, usually an internal hard drive.
• LXE VMT or standard PS/2 keyboard (via a watertight connector).
• Two USB ports, conforming to USB 1.0 specifications
o One external USB port via dongle cable
o One internal USB port accessible by removing access panel cover.
• One audio jack providing monaural audio output.
• Ethernet port via dongle cable.
Note: Using switches inside the user access panel, Pin 9 of COM1 and COM2 may be
configured to provide 5 volts DC to power a barcode scanner or RI for serial transfer.
System Memory
Main system memory is 256 or 512MB SDRAM.
Upper Memory Block
The upper memory area, or Upper Memory Block (UMB), consists of memory between 640KB
and 1 MB. It occupies the address range A0000H – FFFFFH and includes the areas used to
shadow various system software components.
Flash BIOS
256KB of flash BIOS memory is included.