System Testing 227
E-EQ-VX5RG-G-ARC VX5 Reference Guide
02F6 Software NMI failed
Possible Cause
Cannot generate software NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt).
Contact LXE’s Customer Support.
02F7 Fail-Safe Timer NMI Failed
Possible Cause
Server BIOS2 test error: Fail-safe timer takes too long.
Contact LXE’s Customer Support.
POST Informational Messages
The following table lists the POST informational messages for the VX5.
Message Meaning
nnn kB System RAM Passed The amount of base memory that tested
nnn kB Extended RAM Passed The amount of extended memory that tested
nnn kB Cache/Shadow RAM Passed The amount of system cache or shadow RAM
tested successfully.
UMB upper limit segment address: nnn Displays the address of the limit of Upper Memory
Video BIOS shadowed The video BIOS has successfully been copied to
shadow RAM.
System BIOS shadowed The system BIOS has successfully been copied to
shadow RAM.
Fixed Disk n Fixed disk n (0 – 3) identified.
Press the <F1> key to continue This message indicates that an error was found
during POST. Pressing the <F1> key allows the
system to attempt to boot.
Press <F2> to enter Setup Optional prompt displayed during POST. If the
message is suppressed, pressing <F2> still enters
Entering SETUP…. Starting the Setup program.