UPS Operation4
Lucent Technologies Model 3000 UPS Operator's Manual (167Ć405Ć119 Issue 3)
The UPS periodically performs diagnostic tests while the unit is operating in
Normal Mode, ensuring proper operation. These tests include:
H Self Test
H Utility Verification Test
H Battery Discharge Test
H Over Temperature Test
The UPS also runs a series of over 20 internal tests when power is first applied. If a
diagnostic test fails, see Chapter 7, Troubleshooting" on page 57.
Battery Test on Demand
You can perform a battery test on the UPS while it is operating in Normal Mode by
pressing the Output On button. The UPS automatically distributes some of the
load to the batteries for 30 seconds and tests the battery's performance.
Battery Start
NOTE Before using this feature, the UPS must have been powered by utility power at
least once.
This feature allows you to start the UPS without utility power. After utility power
has been unavailable for one minute, press and hold the Output On button until
the alarm beeps.
The UPS supplies power to your equipment and goes into Battery Mode. The
Indicator remains lit and the front panel displays the percentage of battery
capacity remaining to the UPS. This process should take about 15 seconds.